Jef Claes

On software and life

16 May 2014

NCrafts Eventstorming slides

Me and Tom just finished doing our Event storming workshop at NCrafts Paris. Although we made a few mistakes along the way, feedback on the workshop was great. I hope to put something out about what we learned facilitating later this week. People talked, discovered and eventually learned a new domain in under two hours. The domain? Two minutes before the workshop we found a domain expert prepared to talk about his coupon start-up.

Modeling a business process is often associated with people in suits having long and dull meetings. Way too much time gets wasted for an outcome that’s far from reality and which will be obsolete in weeks. Event storming is a workshop format that brings modeling back to all stakeholders, and aims to create usable models.  

In this workshop, you won’t be writing any code, but you will be using lots of paper, post-its and a marker. After going over a bit of theory and a small example, we will present you with a real business problem, and in a few short playful sessions you will experience how powerful event storming can be in helping a team gain insight into complex problems.    The techniques you will learn in this workshop will pay off immediately. 

The slides we used are now up on Slideshare.

To learn more, you can join the EventStormers community, but more importantly, you should start experimenting yourself!