Consumed: Queries and projections (F#)
This is the third post in my series on porting a node.js application to an F# application.
So far, I’ve looked at parsing command line arguments, handling commands and storing events. Today, I want to project those events into something useful that can be formatted and printed to the console.
In the original application, I only had a single query. The result of this query lists all items consumed grouped by category, sorted chronologically.
type Query = | List
type ListResult = { Categories : seq<Category> }
and Category = { Name : string; Items : seq<Item>; }
and Item = { Id : string; Timestamp : DateTime; Category : string; Description: string; Url: string }
Handling the query is done in a similar fashion to handling commands. The handle function matches each query and has a dependency on the event store.
Where C# requires a bit of plumbing to get declarative projections going, F#‘s pattern matching and set of built-in functions give you this for free.
We can fold over the event stream, starting with an empty list, to append each item that was consumed, excluding the ones that were removed later. Those projected items can then be grouped by category, to be mapped into a category type that contains a sorted list of items.
let handle read query =
match query with
| Query.List ->
let folder state e =
match e with
| Event.Consumed data ->
Id = data.Id;
Timestamp = data.Timestamp;
Category = data.Category;
Description = data.Description;
Url = data.Url
} :: state
| Event.Removed data ->
List.filter (fun x -> x.Id <> data.Id) state
match read "$all" with
| EventStream.NotExists _ -> { Categories = Seq.empty }
| EventStream.Exists ( _ , events ) ->
let items = Seq.fold folder [] events
let categories =
|> Seq.groupBy (fun x -> x.Category)
|> (fun ( x , y ) -> { Name = x; Items = y |> Seq.sortBy (fun x -> x.Timestamp) })
{ Categories = categories }
The result can be printed to the console using a more imperative style.
match parse argv with
| Success(Query(query)) ->
let result = QueryHandling.handle (read path) query
for c in result.Categories do
printfn "%s" c.Name
printfn "%s" (String.replicate c.Name.Length "-")
for i in c.Items do
let ts = i.Timestamp.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
printfn "%s - %s | %s (%s)" ts i.Id i.Description i.Url
| _ -> ...
And that’s it, we’ve come full circle. We can now consume items, remove items and query for a list of consumed items.
λ Consumed.exe -help
Following commands are available:
-n consume -c category -d description -u url
-n remove -id id
-n list
λ Consumed.exe -n consume -c book -d "The Drawing of the Three" -u "..."
Yay! Something happened = Success ...
λ consumed.exe -n list
24/05/2015 - 24052015125831 | The Drawing of the Three (...)
Compared to the node.js implementation, the F# version required substantially less code (two to three times less). More importantly, although I wrote tests for both, I felt way more confident completing the F# version. A strong type system, discriminated unions, pattern matching, purity, composability and a smart compiler makes way for sensible and predictable code.
Source code is up on Github.