Notifications from an event log
User notifications are a feature that came as an afterthought, but turned out to be rather easy to implement - without touching (read: breaking) existing functionality - thanks to having an immutable event log.
In the domain I’m working in at the moment, we will often give users incentives to return to the website, or to extend their stay on the website. These incentives were only communicated by email at first, and this is a decent medium when you want users to return to the website. However, when you want to extend their stay on the website, you want to avoid users switching contexts between your website and their mail client. But also, as soon as they return to your website, you want to show them a crisp overview of all relevant calls to action. Having most calls to action map to a specific page, the list of notifications can serve as a one-click starting point, lowering the hurdle to browse to a relevant page.
Notifying a user is one thing. Another use case we wanted to solve, is to dismiss notifications as soon as they are no longer relevant.
Two examples of when a notification might no longer be considered
1.When a bonus is awarded to a user, he might ignore the notification and activate the bonus by directly browsing to the specific page.
2.When a bonus is awarded to a user, he might not visit the website before the bonus expires.
In these cases, to avoid confusion and unsatisfied customers, we want to dismiss the notification automatically.
Let’s say that we’re going to implement notifications for bonuses. We have these type of events to work with.
type Events =
| BonusAwarded of payload : BonusAwarded
| BonusActivated of payload : BonusActivated
| BonusExpired of payload : BonusExpired
and BonusAwarded = { BonusId : Guid; UserId : Guid; ExpiryDate : DateTime }
and BonusActivated = { BonusId : Guid; UserId : Guid; }
and BonusExpired = { BonusId : Guid; UserId : Guid; }
On the other hand, we have a set of commands that interact with notifications.
type Commands =
| NotifyUser of payload : NotifyUser
| ReadNotification of payload : ReadNotification
| DismissNotification of payload : DismissNotification
and NotifyUser = { NotificationId : Guid; UserId : Guid; TemplateId : Guid; Data : Map<string, string> ; LinkId : string }
and ReadNotification = { NotificationId : Guid; UserId : Guid }
and DismissNotification = { UserId : Guid; LinkId : string }
A notification has an identifier, references a user, contains some data, and most importantly can be linked to something.
Working from an immutable event log, we can project the events to commands (to dispatch them eventually).
let react log =
|> (fun e ->
match e with
| BonusAwarded payload -> NotifyUser {
NotificationId = Guid.NewGuid()
UserId = userId
TemplateId = "BonusAwarded"
Data = [ ("ExpiryDate", payload.ExpiryDate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ) ] |> Map.ofList
LinkId = "bonus/" + payload.BonusId.ToString("N") }
| BonusActivated payload -> DismissNotification {
UserId = payload.UserId
LinkId = "bonus/" + payload.BonusId.ToString("N") }
| BonusExpired payload -> DismissNotification {
UserId = payload.UserId
LinkId = "bonus/" + payload.BonusId.ToString("N") } )
log |> react |> dispatch |> ignore
When a bonus is awarded to a user, we will notify the user, providing the template id and data that can be used inside of the template. In this example, the notification can be linked to a specific bonus, leveraging the bonus identifier.
The user might now see something like this.
Being aware of the events which a bonus produces over its lifetime, and their significance, we choose to dismiss the notification as soon as the bonus is activated or expired (leveraging the bonus identifier as the link again).
Now it’s up to the UX team (if you’re lucky enough to have one) to decide on how to visualize the difference between a read and a dismissed notification (if at all).